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Muscle loss: how the right protein prevents this problem
Muscle loss is a common problem in advancing age, but it has also appeared in greater numbers lately due to idle habits. Today we are going to show you how the right protein is able to prevent this problem.
After all, with the decrease in muscles, several other factors are influenced in our health . Therefore, it is essential that you are sure of what needs to be done to delay this situation as much as possible.
Come see the article we have prepared about muscle loss and how to avoid this issue in your life. Get comfortable and enjoy reading!
What is muscle loss?
Increasingly in evidence with the aging of the population, sarcopenia is characterized by a loss of muscle mass that occurs naturally with advancing age, a process that has repercussions on health and functional capacity.
The main strategies to prevent and treat the condition involve physical exercise (especially activities that work on muscle strength) and adequate nutrition, especially with regard to protein consumption.
A study called PROT-AGE, carried out by the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, recommends a daily protein intake of 1 to 1.2 grams per kilogram of weight for people over 65 years. That would be the desirable amount to keep muscle mass up to date.
For physically active elderly people, it is suggested that this consumption is higher than 1.2 g / kg per day. In addition to the physical activity factor, the presence of acute or chronic diseases increases the need for protein: the orientation is 1.2 to 1.5 g / kg of weight – the exception is made for chronic kidney disease under conservative treatment.
The amount of protein ingested at meals is a fundamental aspect in the control of sarcopenia. This is because, in comparison with the younger ones, the elderly need a greater amount of this nutrient to promote adequate stimulation of muscle protein synthesis – with age, there is a kind of natural resistance to the body’s ability to use resources to build and replace muscle proteins.
Therefore, in the same PROT-AGE study, we recommend that the elderly should have meals containing 25 to 30 grams of protein. ( fonte )
Activities to prevent muscle loss
Muscle strengthening activities always keep them active and toned, helping to preserve them and give greater support to the body. Therefore, try to practice physical exercises that involve strength and balance, such as yoga and pilates.
Another interesting option is water aerobics, a modality practiced in a heated pool that works both the musculature and the cardiovascular system. Its advantage is to minimize the impact on the joints and avoid possible falls.
Consumption to prevent muscle loss
In addition, a study by the European Society of Geriatric Medicine (EuGMS) shows that proteins with a high leucine index have rapid digestion. That is, they are better absorbed and, therefore, act directly on the restoration of muscles.
The substance is easily found in whey, for example. Hence the fever in the consumption of whey protein among those practices physical exercises on a regular basis. The indication is also that the consumption of leucine is based on meat, poultry and dairy products, which can be combined with supplementation .
Following are five essential foods for preventing muscle wasting:
- Rice and beans: rich in amino acids that the human body does not produce, are essential for protein synthesis;
- Chicken: like all meat, it is a source of protein, but it offers the benefit of have low levels of saturated fat;
- Egg: rich in albumin, an essential protein to assist in muscle gain, maintenance and contraction;
- Banana: appears on the list due to its high glycemic index, that provides energy quickly – essential ally for the practice of physical activities.
- Oats: rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates, the perfect combination for energy replacement and muscle maintenance.
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Summary: Whey Protein against muscle loss?
The main way to avoid muscle loss is to ensure a diet with a high protein content, and Whey Protein (as the name suggests) guarantees this offer. However, there are countless factors that interfere with sarcopenia and we are not saying that Whey is a medicine for it.
The final word will always be from your doctor in charge. However, consumption of Whey is, yes, a great ally in the maintenance of muscles.
We hope that today’s article has raised some great ideas in your head.
Do you want to know more about the universe of food that generates results? Keep following our blog. We are always bringing tips, secrets, benefits and news about Whey Protein and products derived from whey.
Thanks for reading and see you next time.