Fasting workouts in the morning
Have you heard about fasting workouts in the morning and how they are supposed to have thousands of benefits? This practice has become a fitness trend and in this content we’ll tell you all about it.
Although breakfast is a must for many people who train in the early hours of the day, some people don’t think so! It happens that it is quite common, even among athletes, that some people don’t have the habit of consuming meals or snacks during the morning, ending up extending a little bit the fasting period that is already performed involuntarily during sleep.
Because of its miraculous promises, fasting workouts have gained a lot of popularity recently through social networks, and behind this practice, there are several important information that need to be analyzed before any decision is made.
Does fasting training really work?
The main goal of people who still practice fasting workouts in the morning is the idea of leveraging fat burning through pre-workout dietary restriction, a scientifically proven strategy, but one that needs more attention than it seems.
What happens is that the body uses three main sources of energy during physical activities: Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates. Whether these activities are more intense, such as in a gym, or simply everyday ones, such as walking and stretching.
When one adheres to the morning pre-workout dietary restriction plan, one naturally avoids consuming carbohydrates, which in turn are responsible for a faster energy load, besides being fundamental for high-intensity physical activities.
Thus, fasting causes the lack of carbohydrates to lower the body’s glycogen reserves, and since this substance is the fuel used during training, the body starts to process stored fat as an energy source, thus leveraging fat burning.
But calm down, this is not enough to decide to train fasting, after all, the practice still has some “negative points” let’s check them out?
Bad effects of fasting training
Although it is scientifically proven that fasting training is able to burn more stored fat, unfortunately there are some disadvantages attached to this practice, in this part of the content, we will present the main disadvantages of fasting training:
Drop in performance
One of the most important factors for your goals is to maintain a good performance during workouts in general, which becomes much more difficult when you are lacking energy and nutrients.
Through fasted workouts, as we said, the body’s glycogen reserves are significantly lowered, which can result in a lack of energy in the muscles and brain, making it very difficult to perform well physically.
Weaker, slower workouts
Besides the lack of energy being a very common problem in fasting workouts, another problem caused by the lack of proper pre-workout nutrition, is the overall low performance during physical activities, after all, the process that the body performs to transform stored fat into energy is much slower than if you simply use the glycogen reserves, making the energy production in fasting insufficient to maintain a high performance workout.
Pausing fat burning
Finally, fasted workouts when maintained for long periods of time can have the opposite effect to that expected, and while more burning of stored fat does occur, the overall calorie burn is less than in conventional workouts.
Is fasted training worth it or not?
Even more briefly, fasted training may indeed bring results to the burning of stored fat, however, in the long run, training in line with good nutrition is shown to have much more benefits.
If you are interested in joining this nutritional system, do some tests and see how your body behaves. In addition, whenever possible, follow up with a medical professional and during your fitness process, count on the support of Sooro Renner, nutrition that generates results.