How the Brain Learns? Improve Your Gym Workouts

How the Brain Learns? Improve Your Gym Workouts Unlock your gym potential by understanding how the brain learns.


How to Fall? Tips for Practicing Extreme Sports

Discover the art of controlled falling in extreme sports. Learn the physics of impact and prepare your mind and body for challenges. Access now and elevate your training!


Difficulties in your workouts? How to stay calm and perform exercises without making mistakes!

Have you noticed how some people struggle with their workouts? When the time comes, their bodies tense up, nerves kick in, movements become rigid, and results are slow to appear. Or worse, performing exercises incorrectly can lead to injuries and even negative effects on the body, muscles, and, why not, self-esteem. Today, we have gathered


Post-Workout Pain: How to Know When to Worry?

Post-workout pain - how to tell if what you're feeling is normal or if you need to consult a specialized professional? Today, we'll find out


Evolution in Workouts: How to Understand Your Pace and Avoid Injuries?

Learn how to track and understand your progress in workouts and achieve your desired body much faster. Check out the tips!


Runner’s High: The Euphoria Runners Love to Feel!

Discover the Runner's High, the euphoria of runners, an incredible feeling of pleasure and well-being during the run. Let's run together?!


Best Time to Practice Running

Morning, afternoon, or evening? Check the advantages and disadvantages of different times for running.


Does caffeine improve performance during running? Find out!

Does caffeine improve performance during running? Find out!


The Ultimate Guide on How to Gain Muscle Mass

There is so much content on the internet about how to gain muscle, that it is hard to know what really works, isn't it? Thinking about that, we prepared a definitive guide on how to gain muscle mass, check it out!


Start running after 40

Are you thinking about starting or resuming running but feel that age might be a problem? Log on and understand why you shouldn't worry!

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