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Health in summer: how to choose the best time to train

Hello, we are starting our 2021 publications and we want to start wishing you a Happy New Year. We know it has been a few days since the turnaround, but it is always good to keep the energy up there. And for that reason today we are going to talk about health in the summer.

How to choose the best time to train?

Although it doesn’t take long until the cold times begin, we are sure that January and February are the two months with the largest number of sports players and are also known for the extremely high temperatures

There’s more, thanks to the energy of the beginning of the year, the gyms get new visitors and the parks get fuller.

But, is it just a good choice to start a new routine at any time? We know you don’t.

So today we brought you tips to understand how to choose the best time for training.

Get comfortable and enjoy reading.

See also: Products made with Whey Protein: meet several of them

What to consider when choosing the best time to train?

Before choosing the ideal time for you to practice your exercise, it is necessary to take into account some points. They are:

  • Solar incidence
  • Relative air humidity
  • Air pollution
  • Food or fasting
  • Sleep cycle

Do you understand? Many people pay attention only to the temperature and the sun. On the other hand, the ideal time to train has several factors that are beyond this common sense. Let’s look at them in detail. Starting with the basics.

Solar incidence: health in summer calls for caution

Regardless of the state in which you live, know that the strength of the UV rays emitted by the sun is a real concern in your life.

So, if you have the habit of exercising outdoors and want to train in that incredible park, write it down:

  • Avoid going out between 11 am and 4 pm. This is the period with the highest sun exposure and can really harm your health;
  • When going out in the morning, or in the late afternoon, use sunscreen with a factor of 30 or higher.

These tips need to be taken seriously even if you have a great quality sunscreen and great protection factor.

Learn more: Benefits of Whey Protein for Seniors

Relative air humidity

Thinking about the best time to train based on the relative humidity of the air is already a bigger challenge. After all, that element changes a lot over the days and you have little control to protect yourself.

Tips: hydrate yourself regularly and have a healthy diet, mainly based on fruits and vegetables. Check regularly if the relative humidity in your city is suitable for outdoor exercise.

Air pollution

This element is especially important in big cities. Here the secret is to avoid areas and neighborhoods with a high flow of cars and not to leave during peak hours.

Tips: air pollution changes throughout the day, combined with low relative humidity it can become a real problem, especially for sinusitis sufferers. Prefer to exercise in parks or streets with low traffic circulation.

Sleep cycle

We skipped the food because we want to explain it in detail last. The sleep cycle is very simple to understand, you need to sleep well before exercising regularly.

Many people believe that training needs to happen in the morning. There is a real dispute to see who wakes up early and runs to the gym.

It turns out that if you’re the type to sleep late, waking up at 5 am to train can become a problem for your health. Respect your sleep cycle. Make sure you are sleeping as long as necessary to restore your energy.

Remember: sleep is a natural repairer of several systems, both immune and mental. There is more, when you sleep properly you reduce stress levels and this has a positive impact on your diet. Which leads to proper maintenance of body weight.

So, sleeping well is part of smart training.

Read below: Intermittent fasting? We research everything on the subject

Food or Fasting

Finally, we want to talk about food. With the increase in practitioners of intermittent fasting, many people end up adding their training to this practice and this can be dangerous.

After all, we are talking about a period when temperatures are very high, which means that your body will need a lot of energy to practice the sport.

If your offer is low, or if your stomach is empty, it can be harmful. Prefer to invest in a pre-workout and then supplement correctly with Whey Protein to ensure the rapid absorption of proteins that your body needs.

These were our summer health tips for you to choose the best time to train.

Did you like the publication? Keep following the our blog. We are always bringing news and news about the universe of high performance training.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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