How to meet your goals in 2022

Did you know that more than 90% of the goals are abandoned even before March, and more than 98% of them are gone by June? That’s right. Today we are going to show you how to be part of the 2%. We will teach you how to actually accomplish your goals in 2022.

This will not be a motivational article, full of catch phrases. Not at all.

As you know, we like to use science to defend each of our guidelines. So today we bring you a compilation of great, scientifically proven tips that guarantee the success of your goals.

So let’s get started. Learn now how to accomplish your goals in 2022. 

Get comfortable and enjoy the reading!

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Does S.M.A.R.T. really work?

You may have heard of S.M.A.R.T goals, if you haven’t, here’s an explanation of what they are about.

  • SMART goals is a method of setting goals, which are based on 5 factors: S (specific), M (measurable), A (attainable), R (relevant) and T (time bound).

In theory, they are perfect. In fact, statistics show that SMART goals are actually more likely to be carried through to the end. In a statistic close to 90/10. So a number of 90%.

And why do SMART goals work? Let us explain

SMART goals work because they are divided into 5 elements that facilitate their execution. Let’s talk about each of them in detail:

S for specific

The first step in using SMART goals as a tool is to define a goal that is specific. But what does this mean?

That the result you want to achieve needs to be very straightforward, not subjective at all. To make it clearer, let’s take an example: 

It is wrong to set “increase sales” as a goal, but it is correct to stipulate “increase sales by 5% in two months.” Similarly, goals such as “attract more customers”, “increase customer satisfaction”, “reduce expenses”, or “increase productivity” are too generic.

Keep in mind the following: what will be the milestone determining that the goal has been achieved? What is the exact value that I want to achieve? Follow that milestone.

M for measurable

The M is what shows us that we need to determine a tangible, measurable indicator.

This indicator will help the organization reach its goal.

Let’s imagine that your goal is to increase the number of customers in your company by 25%. Therefore, M will measure this gradual growth until the total goal is reached.

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A for achievable

Another detail is that if a goal is not attainable, it is not smart. Taking into account that it will always be based on the reality of the company and the current market.

This step is fundamental, because it directly influences the motivation of employees and can generate frustration if it cannot be achieved. With the right strategy and well-defined actions, the path becomes much more precise.

For people, it is important that the goal is achievable. There is no point in promising that you will run a marathon (42km) in the next 2 months. So evaluate the possibilities well and have a goal that is challenging but achievable. 

R for relevant

Just as a goal should be tangible and specific, it should also have a relevance. Most simply, this criterion consists of understanding what impact this goal has on your life, business, or other sphere.

The more relevant it is, the greater the motivation to work toward it, and the higher the priority this goal will have over other goals.

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T for time

Good goals need to have a time limit associated with them. For example, instead of saying “I want to start reading more books,” you could say “I will read two books in the next three months.”

The person who has set the second goal will be more motivated to succeed, since they have a specific time in mind to accomplish it.

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Watch out for the R for Relevant trap

Now that we have a problem. Many people make SMART goals, choose something that is specific, that is measurable, that is attainable, that has relevance, and that is tied to a time. 

But still they fail to deliver. Why? To fulfill goals you have to overcome an initial barrier.

Yes, until the goal becomes a habit in your life, you will have to make an effort. Even if the goal is the most relevant of all the goals in the universe.

So here’s a killer tip: focus on putting your goal into practice every day, for at least 30 days in a row.

This is not a magic number, after 30 days it is likely that you will still find it difficult to continue following your goal, but after 30 days you will already have enough results to see how that goal (whatever it is) has brought benefits to your life. Studies say that it takes 66 days for something to become a habit, so it’s worth a try!

This will give you extra energy to keep following your goals.

There you go, did you like today’s post? Keep following our blog.

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Thanks for reading and see you next time!

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