Is Taking Whey on an empty stomach ideal? Let’s Explain

Wake up, put on your sneakers, grab your watch to schedule your run, and take a Whey. Is this the right routine? Today we’re going to explain whether or not it’s ideal to take the supplement fasting and what the best practices are.

As always, this will be a light article. No technicalities. Perfect to make sure you have all the information you need.

So, here we go. Get comfortable and enjoy the reading! 

Read more: Which Whey is right for you?

Can I take Whey when I wake up?

Consuming Whey Protein when you wake up is valid in order to suppress the catabolism process that sleep can cause due to the fact that the body is fasting.

When you wake up, your body needs nutrients to recover and to continue protein synthesis.

Whey Protein is valid at this time for its high biological value and rapid absorption.

What do the experts say about Whey in the morning?

In one study, after 12 weeks, a group that consumed Whey Protein in the morning lost more weight compared to the group that did not consume the supplement.

The reduction was 7.6 kg, compared to 6.1 kg for the other protein group, and 3.1 kg for the carbohydrate group.

Participants in the whey protein group felt more satiated throughout the day, had lower glucose peaks after meals compared to the other two diets, and greater reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) levels.

The Whey protein diet significantly suppresses the hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’. The drink is easily prepared and offers the advantages of a protein-rich breakfast. Whether for weight loss, reducing glucose peaks hunger or HbA1c.

Your questions answered: How much protein do you need to consume per day?

What about post-workout Whey Protein? 

This protein derived from whey is rich in essential amino acids (which are not produced by our body), important for post-workout recovery.

One of the advantages of whey is that it has an easy structure to be digested and absorbed by the body. Several studies have shown that ingesting this type of substance after exercise helps reduce muscle damage and promotes muscle growth and definition.

In other words, you want to lose weight? Take it fasting. Want to gain muscle mass? Take it after your workouts. 

See also: Whey Protein and breastfeeding: is it true that mothers can’t consume the product?

What if I am on intermittent fasting? 

Consuming Whey Protein when you wake up is valid in order to supply the catabolism process that sleep can provoke because the organism is fasting. When you wake up, your body needs nutrients to recover and to continue protein synthesis.

Consumed after resistance training, it increases protein synthesis rates. Consuming 15 grams of whey protein before and after weight training significantly increases protein synthesis. To start the anabolic process the ideal is to consume 20 to 25 grams of whey right after the workout.

It is worth reinforcing that many nutritionists do not endorse intermittent fasting and this practice is still much debated in many academic circles.

We advise you to rely on solid studies before deciding on such an intense strategy. Prefer a healthy diet and a balanced diet, accompanied by a nutritionist. 

Read next: Whey Protein and diabetes: understand the relationship between the two and maintain your health

And so you already know that Whey is your best ally in many situations

There you go, now you have all the data you need to make the best decisions on your own.

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Thanks for reading, and see you next time! 

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