

Check out the suggestions for good eating practices, tips for taking care of mental health and encouragement for a physical exercise routine. Good reading!

Use of whey protein in the treatment of Sarcopenia in people with inflammatory bowel disease

Do you have or know anyone with Sarcopenia? This disease is commonly accompanied by IBD, but both can be treated with Whey Protein! Learn more


What you need to know about weight loss supplements

Among proteins, amino acids, thermogenics, and other dietary supplements, which ones really work to lose weight? Go here and check out everything about weight loss supplements.

Water consumption: a well-hydrated body is synonymous with health

Because we can't forget that the 'liquid of life' is fundamental for the body and mind


Tips for losing your belly and sideburns

Whether it's when it's time to put on tighter pants or a cropped top, side fat bothers you? Content with tips on how to lose belly and the unwanted side fat, check it out


How much protein should I consume to gain muscle mass?

Everyone who practices sports has heard about the importance of protein consumption, but even though this seems simple, new questions always arise. Check out the ideal amount of protein for muscle mass gain.


How many meals should be eaten in a day?

A common doubt of those who start taking care of their diet aiming their results: how much and when to eat. Check out some myths on the subject.


03 tips to recover energy after lunch

Have you ever stopped to think why you spend the whole morning focused on lunch and, after it, feel sleepy or excessively tired until you recover your energy only in the late afternoon? If so, this content is for you;


05 Foods that are good for the heart

There are several natural ways to fight blood pressure or other heart diseases, learn how to avoid some serious complications just by consuming certain foods


What is the ideal rest time between workouts?

Have you ever thought about training a little longer than recommended to get faster results? Although it sounds like a good idea, this is a very common mistake among people who train


What is the ideal fat percentage

Have you ever noticed that many athletes are always focused on lowering their body fat indexes? It turns out that this is not always a sign of health or fitness. Understand how to calculate this index correctly

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