

Check out the suggestions for good eating practices, tips for taking care of mental health and encouragement for a physical exercise routine. Good reading!


All about Low Carb Diets

In this content you can check all the information about Low Carb Diets, and check some comments about what to do and what not to do during your diet.

Post-workout pain? Understand the causes and how to prevent them!

Anyone who has exercised intensively at least once in their life has certainly experienced something not very pleasant: post-workout pain. This discomfort, very common, indicates that the activity performed requires more than the muscles "could handle".

What is the difference between diet x dieting re-education

In order to lose weight, many people choose the diet path, sometimes the craziest ones. Paleolithic, low carb, ketogenic diets, there are many alternatives available, which, by presenting a faster result, are very much in demand. Cutting food and eating much less, in fact, the size will decrease, but is it healthy? And when the diet is over? The pounds will probably return.

5 tips to keep training on cold days

Last year we posted an article talking about the benefits of continuing to train on cold days, and in it we suggested some tips on how to stay motivated.


Natural Thermogenics, which foods can help you!

In this content we will talk about which foods can be considered "natural thermogenics" and how they can help you with different goals, click here and read on].


What are alkaline foods and what are the benefits?

Benefits for muscle regeneration, improved absorption of nutrients, higher defenses against diseases, and even faster recoveries, are the benefits of alkaline foods.


Tips for not getting fat in the fall/winter

The coldest months of the year have arrived, and during this period it is normal that hunger increases and the willingness to exercise decreases. The result: weight gain and difficulties to lose that stubborn little belly.


How to gain more punching power in Boxing and other fights

Today we bring you special content for those of you who have started training for a fight and feel that your punches are not strong enough. We will learn how to give more power, strength and speed, especially in punching.


Whey Protein is a supplement that brings many health benefits, but can you take Whey even without going to the gym? Take Whey without being in the habit of training? That's what we will answer today.

Why do I retain liquids? Understand the causes of fluid retention

"I've just started training at the gym recently and I've already felt that it has deflated a bit, it's just that I retain a lot of liquids." Have you heard (or said) this sentence before? Well, it's real. In today's article we will explain the science behind fluid retention.

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