Innovation that wins awards: SOORO RENNER awarded with Ideas for Milk

Site and Blog Whey World were awarded by Embrapa Leite reinforcing our ideals of growth and innovation

Serious, hard and constant work yields good results. With this sentence we want to open the article that talks about the award delivered by Embrapa on December 16, 2020. & nbsp;

The Ideas for Milk award exists to demonstrate to those involved in the dairy industry how good ideas, focused on modernity and innovation, deserve to be highlighted. And it is our great happiness to inform our customers, partners and employees that we have been awarded precisely in the Innovation category.

The Mundo Whey Blog, which works with direct communication with the end consumer of our products, proved to be innovative and winner in its purposes. As well as the brand new Site, which also combines technical issues, with light and easy to understand communication.

We believe that the future is formed by serious and direct work. In our communication, clarity has taken the place of complexity. Today, we always express ourselves in the most transparent and empathic way possible.

And that belief led us to a very important award. We are truly proud of our work.

We thank Embrapa, as it is an award that shows us, once again, how we look to the future, plan our path and continue to stand firm. & nbsp;

And also to those involved in the entire project.

Click here and see the moment of the award.

Click here and see the full ceremony.

SOORO RENNER – Nutrition that generates results. & nbsp;

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