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Sooro Renner’s 2021: increased raw material and proximity to suppliers generates results
In 2021, the company received over 62,000 tons of raw material solids – this represents a more than double-digit increase over the previous year. The numbers reflect part of what Sooro Renner prioritizes: production with excellence in quality, generation of results, commitment to partners, and appreciation of the raw material.
Whey is highly proteinic. And if there is one thing that Sooro Renner knows very well, it is how to transform whey into products with different concentrations of protein.
Last year, the technical team of the harvesting area made 156 visits and traveled approximately 46,600 kilometers in the southern region of the country. In addition, Sooro Renner replaced more than 400 membranes and installed three new concentrators. The investments in infrastructure, technology, labor, and quality of the final product make Sooro Renner seek a path of proximity with its partners, standardization of the raw material, sustained growth, and results.
More than 3.5 million liters of whey are processed every day. This raw material is received from suppliers in the South region of the country and occurs due to a partnership program with supply and receipt guarantees; a joint work with the supplier that results in safety and fair valuation of the product.
Sooro Renner’s suppliers also receive technical assistance for the whey processing and concentration processes. This kind of assistance contributes to the improvement of the raw material quality. And to strengthen these partnerships, which promote gains for everyone involved, these suppliers are rewarded with the supply of filtration membranes for the whey concentration process.
At each dairy plant visited, Sooro Renner’s technical consultants work on the guidance of quality standards; this work is fundamental for the whey produced to meet the requirements of the legislation and standards of the Mapa (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply). The technical consultancies provided to suppliers help in the verification of the efficiency of the skimming, pasteurization and whey concentration processes. This detailed work allows us to enhance and ensure minimum solid loss and maximum efficiency of these processes.
One of Sooro Renner’s values is to have a permanent commitment to suppliers and business partners. This commitment has gained even more emphasis, in the last two years, with the performance of a technical/commercial follow-up work very close to the exclusive partners, with the periodic monitoring of the whey concentrators, by collecting samples of whey and permeates, thus tracing an x-ray of the processes and raw material quality.
The technical follow-up work goes beyond the visits: Sooro Renner performed the replacement of membranes in all of its strategic partners, assuming the supply of these membranes at no cost to the supplier, i.e., at the company’s total cost. For the whole process to work, it is essential to train those involved, to invest in human potential, and that is why the company made available and applied training courses that involve from the separation processes with membranes to the management of the entire whey production chain.
The partnership program that brings together the different parts of the process brings several advantages for suppliers. Dairies can operate with tranquility and safety, with profitability, performance, and transparency in their operations. The growth is continuous, generating results and enhancing the production chain.
Through the strategic partnership program with the supplier, Sooro Renner guarantees a solid volume in its plants, which allows more assertiveness in the short, medium, and long term planning of its commercial actions. With this model and the standardization of the raw material, it is possible to maintain a minimum occupation index of the plants around 85% of the capacity. There is a guaranteed supply for the company and 100% security in receiving the whey produced by the business partner.
The partnerships, the commitment to the quality of the commercialized product, the generation of results, and the fair valuation of the raw material are part of the values and mission of this company specialized in dairy ingredients, with a wide portfolio of products and an expressive participation in the national market of Whey Protein Concentrate and Isolate, permeate, and whey powder.
For this year, Sooro Renner has new challenges. In a continuous expansion movement, resumed with strength and investments in recent years, and the continuous search for knowledge and results move the company to continue treading the path towards reference and national leadership in the production of proteins and other whey derivatives.