SOORO RENNER invests in the social development of children: Discover the Aprové Project

Vida e Esperança association project takes jiu jitsu classes and transforms the lives of children, young people and teenagers.

It is only possible to transform the future by investing today in education. This is one of Bill Gates’ favorite phrases, but in truth, it could be said by any successful person.

After all, everyone knows that to guarantee a better future, it is necessary to shape the younger generations so that they can make a difference.

And that is what SOORO RENNER believes. Investing in the Aprové project (Associação project vida e Esperança) we can take jiu jitsu classes for children, youth, teenagers and young adults in the city of Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná.

Understand the reason for jiu jitsu classes

Martial arts develop the feeling of healthy competitiveness, the desire for victory, self-esteem and, above all, discipline. Qualities that expand across several other sectors of life, whether in the family, or at school.

All 60 project participants showed better results in concentration, education, respect, discipline and love for others.

In other words, it is through the practice of sport that the project manages to form people of character for our society.

What is the role of SOORO RENNER in the project

The Aprové Project receives full support from SOORO RENNER, ensuring that teachers and guardians have the structure to work and act with peace of mind.

What are the next objectives of the project

With the help of SOORO RENNER and partner companies, the project now aims to grow and serve even more Marechal Cândido Rondon children. Which, without a doubt, will benefit a whole generation of children and young adults in search of a more citizen life.

These are initiatives that give us hope for better days.

SOORO RENNER – Nutrition that generates results.

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