We thank you for your commitment and dedication: Thank you very much!

December 17th and 22nd were two days dedicated to our oldest professionals

Our history was built by the hands and intelligence of our professionals. We know that each sector has its importance. We are also fully convinced that for professionals to dedicate years to a company, they need to believe in its cause.

That’s why we value our professionals with the longest time in the company.

When a company has great professionals it is able to attract talent, and draw the attention of the market. Be requested. This is important, and it generates many results.

These arise when the organization is able to retain talent. When the professionals who work there are dedicated for years, they help to build the results and are part of the company’s history.

For this reason, on December 17th and 22nd we held two events in honor of our main employees. Those who have been with us the longest, some building a legacy, others inspiring colleagues and others overcoming their own limits.

On the 17th, the tributes took place at the Station Plant, Rio Grande do Sul.

And on the 22nd at the Marechal Cândido Rondon Plant, Paraná.

They were honored:

  • 65 employees who have been with us for 5 years
  • 07 employees who have been with us for 10 years
  • 08 employees who have been with us for 15 years.

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