WPC 34

With a protein content of 34% and only 4% fat, Whey Protein 34 offers efficiency, ensuring that the products made by our customers meet consumer expectations. Whey Protein 34 is a nutritional solution with high nutritional value and excellent solubility, ideal for use in sports drinks or meal supplements.

Whey Protein 34 is rich in essential amino acids (not synthesized by the body, obtained only through food), such as: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, valine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan. Generally not recommended for lactose intolerant individuals.

Quality certified by national and international inspection bodies, meets the technical specification parameters of customers. Produced in Brazil, with recognized performance, Sooro Renner’s Whey Protein 34 is obtained through ultrafiltration. Pasteurized, concentrated in a vacuum evaporator and dried using the spray dryer type process.

The difference between regular and instantaneous Whey Protein 34 is the addition of the emulsifying ingredient rice lecithin during the drying process. What gives the Whey Protein 34 Instantaneous characteristics of agglomeration and dispersibility superior to the regular one. Therefore, easier to dissolve. Thus, if the customer needs a product of quick preparation, the indicated is the instant. It is worth mentioning that lecithin does not have the allergenic factor.

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