

Check out the suggestions for good eating practices, tips for taking care of mental health and encouragement for a physical exercise routine. Good reading!


Mindfulness: how to practice and what are the benefits?

This month of March we are focusing on themes of mind health and quality of life. With that in mind, today we will address mindfulness, how this technique is defended by science, and what are the advantages of practicing meditation.

Tips to improve sleep quality

We recently posted an article showing how sleep quality has a direct influence on muscle gain. If you want to know more, take a look here. Today we will give you tips to improve the quality of your sleep.


How to acquire new habits! Surefire Tips

You are the result of all your habits. This is already clear in the minds of psychologists and psychiatrists.

For this reason, today we are going to give you some definite tips on how to develop new habits, and what are the best ways for you to be able to nurture healthy habits.


How does sleep contribute to muscle gain?

You may have heard the phrase "sleeping well makes you lose weight", but did you know that sleep also has a direct impact on muscle gain? That's right. Sleeping well also makes you stronger.


Creatine or Whey? Understand the differences between the two!

Whey or creatine? Which of these two supplements is more suitable for you and what are the advantages of each one. Today our article brings information about this doubt that is quite common.


Things nobody tells you about training in the sun

Training in the sun, exercising in the height of summer, burning off energy during the heat. These are activities that, if you don't have the right information, you will be putting your health at risk.


Foods that are good for the mind

As you know, in this blog we like to talk about topics that bring benefits to health. So today we bring you an article focused on foods that are good for the mind.


Physical exercise and memory: is your memory bad? Training can help

Are you forgetting things a lot? This is a common problem in the fast-paced modern world we live in. It seems that all the time we are forgetting important things. But you should know that physical exercises can help your memory.


Diet and hair loss? Understand why your hair is falling out and whether supplementation can help

Did you know that poor diet can be associated with hair loss? Well, today we want to talk about how these factors can be associated.

Is fast eating bad for you?

As you know this is a blog about nutrition that gets results. And what few people know, but the act of eating is almost as important as the content of what you are eating. So today we are here to answer whether fast eating is bad for you.

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